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Province of Brescia
Comparative environmental analysis on seven different routes, environmental feasibility study, preliminary project
SAB architettura ingegneria integrata Srl (project lead)
Abacus Srl
The road segment subject to intervention is part of a broader modernisation and redevelopment project of S.P.BS 469 "Sebina Occidentale”, which is currently undergoing various stages of completion. Despite the partial opening of the initial section of the artery, which addressed some issues, significant challenges remain unresolved, particularly concerning traffic flow through populated areas in municipalities across the provinces of Brescia and Bergamo. The project thus pursues two main objectives, identified as primary by both the Municipal and Provincial Administrations involved. These include alleviating traffic congestion in the urban centres of Palazzolo, S. Pancrazio, Capriolo, Paratico, and indirectly in Villongo, Sarnico, Credaro, and Castelli Calepio. This aims to improve tourist traffic flow towards Lake Iseo, as well as to provide efficient connectivity between the Province of Brescia, particularly the industrial area of Media Valle dell'Oglio, and the Province of Bergamo. As an alternative route option, studies were conducted to design the bridge over the Oglio River and enhance several intersections within the project, including the incorporation of roundabouts. These interventions were carefully planned and designed to respect the natural landscape of the area affected by construction, adhering to the constraints imposed by the Superintendence of Historical, Architectural, and Landscape Heritage.
Urban road network reorganisation in Brescia
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